Cyber Security Engineer
CategoriesCyber Security

If you want to become a professional Cyber Security Engineer and want to know about its tasks basics then this article is for you. In this article, you will find the Top 10 Important Questions for Cyber Security Engineer that is necessary for the practitioners to know about.

These questions are particularly important for the clearance of the base knowledge of cyber security aspirants to develop their knowledge on another level. Now, without wasting any more time, let’s start with the Topic!

Define Cyber Security Engineer.

An organization’s computer systems, networks, and data are protected against cyber threats and assaults by the security procedures and protocols that a cyber security engineer

a) Designs,

b) Implements, and

c) Maintains.

What are the Responsibilities of a Cyber Security Engineer?

The duties of a cyber security engineer might vary based on the company and the particular position, however, the following ten duties are typical:

S.No. Responsibility Define
1. Security Monitoring Keep a close eye on system logs and network traffic for any indications of shady activity or potential security risks.
2. Vulnerability Assessment System, application, and network vulnerabilities should be

●        Identified,

●        Evaluated, and

●        Given Remediation Priority.

3. Incident Response Create and put into action incident response plans to look into and lessen security issues, reducing the effects of breaches.
4. Security Architecture To defend against online attacks, create and deploy secure network and system designs.
5. Access Control Implement and monitor access controls to ensure that only people with the proper authorization can access vital resources and data.
6. Security Policies To keep a strong security posture, establish and implement

●        Security Policies,

●        Procedures, and

●        Best Practices.

7. Penetration Testing To find holes and vulnerabilities in the organization’s defenses, conduct ethical hacking experiments.
8. Security Tools Management Configure and keep up with security tools like

●        Firewalls,

●        Intrusion Detection/ Prevention Systems, and

●        Antivirus Software.

9. Security Awareness Training To avoid social engineering attacks and raise general security awareness, instruct staff members and users on best security practices.
10. Compliance and Regulation Make sure that the organization complies with all applicable legal, industry, and cybersecurity norms and laws.

Importance of Cyber Security Engineer

  • Protection against Cyber Threats

By proactively discovering and addressing vulnerabilities and preventing cyberattacks, cyber security engineers are essential to protecting an organization’s digital assets, including

a) Sensitive Data and

b) Intellectual Property.

  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

They help the company avoid the legal and financial repercussions connected with non-compliance by ensuring that the business conforms with industry-specific rules and data protection laws.

  • Business Continuity

Engineers in cyber security contribute to the continuity of operations by averting disruptions brought on by cyber incidents. Through their work, organizations are able to maintain customer service and accomplish their goals despite cyber threats.

  • Reputation Management

A cybersecurity incident can harm a company’s brand and decrease consumer and partner trust. By preventing these occurrences, cyber security engineers support the upkeep of the company’s credibility and reputation.

  • Cost Savings

Dealing with the fallout from a successful cyberattack is frequently more expensive than early detection and mitigation of cyber threats. By proactively defending against breaches and events, cyber security engineers help to lessen their financial toll.

Top 10 Important Questions for Cyber Security Engineer

  1. What is Cryptography?

In order to secure communication and data from unauthorized access or alteration, cryptography is the science and practice of putting information into a code or cipher. Information is encrypted and decrypted using mathematical methods and keys to ensure its

a) Secrecy,

b) Integrity, and

c) cyber security engineer.

2. What is the difference between Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption?

Symmetric encryption is faster but requires secure key distribution because it utilizes the same key for both encryption and decryption. Asymmetric encryption is slower but does away with the necessity for safe key exchange because it uses a pair of public and private keys.

3. What is the difference between IDS and IPS?

The IDS (Intrusion Detection System) scans network traffic for any suspicious behavior and sends out notifications when it finds anything that could be a threat.

IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) is a proactive protection system that not only recognizes threats but also automatically blocks or prevents them from compromising the network.

4. Explain the CIA triad.

A key idea in information security and cybersecurity is the CIA triad:

  • Confidentiality: It speaks about safeguarding private data from illegal access or exposure. ensuring that confidential data can only be accessed and seen by approved people or systems.
  • Integrity: This entails maintaining the data’s accuracy and dependability and making sure that no unauthorized individuals have tampered with or altered it.
  • Availability: In order to avoid disruptions or downtime, it makes sure that information and resources are constantly accessible and available to authorized users as needed.

5. How is Encryption different from Hashing?

Hashing and encryption are both cryptographic methods, however, they have different applications:

a) Encryption: Data is converted into a ciphertext using an encryption algorithm and a key in the reversible process of encryption. The same key can be used to decrypt the same data and restore it to its original state.

Data confidentiality is protected via encryption, which also makes sure that only people with permission can access the original data.

b) Hashing: Using a hash function, the one-way process of hashing reduces data to a fixed-length string of characters called a hash value. Since hashing is irreversible, it is impossible to recover the original data using the hash value.

Both password storage and data integrity verification use it. Hashes can be used to securely store and validate passwords without saving the actual passwords or to check if data has been altered (integrity).

6.  What is a Firewall and why is it used?

A firewall is a piece of hardware or software used in network security that creates a barrier between a trusted internal network and a network that is externally untrusted (such as the Internet).

Based on established security criteria, it is used to monitor and manage incoming and outgoing network traffic.

By blocking unwanted access, filtering malicious traffic, and guarding against cyberattacks, firewalls improve network security, ensuring the safety of

  1. Confidentiality,
  2. Integrity, and
  3. Availability of Data and Resources.

7. What is the difference between VA(Vulnerability Assessment) and PT(Penetration Testing)?

Both penetration testing and vulnerability assessment are security testing techniques, however, they have different goals:

a) Vulnerability Assessment (VA): A system, network, or application is evaluated systematically to find and evaluate any potential weaknesses.

Finding known vulnerabilities, often entails the use of automated scanning technologies, however, manual verification may also be present.

The main objective is to compile a list of vulnerabilities that must be fixed.

b) Penetration Testing (PT): PT, also referred to as ethical hacking, simulates actual intrusions on a system or network in order to identify vulnerabilities and gauge their potential consequences.

In contrast to VA, PT takes things a step further by actively exploiting flaws to see if they may be utilized to compromise the security of the system.

The main objective is to give a thorough review of a company’s security posture and identify any vulnerabilities that could be used by bad actors to their advantage.

8. What is a three-way handshake?

A connection between a client and a server is established via the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) three-way handshake process. There are three steps to it:

a) SYN (Synchronize): To start the connection request, the client sends a SYN packet to the server.

b) SYN-ACK (Synchronize-Acknowledge): The server replies with a SYN-ACK packet to acknowledge the request and indicate that it is prepared to establish the connection after receiving the SYN packet.

c) ACK (Acknowledge): In order to acknowledge the server’s response, the client then sends an ACK packet. The client and server can now exchange data because the connection is deemed to be established.

9. What are the response codes that can be received from a Web Application?

Different HTTP response status codes can be returned by web applications to show how a client’s request was handled. Here are a few typical HTTP response status codes:

a) 200 OK: The server has provided the requested content as a result of the request’s success.

b) 201 Created: A new server resource, such as a new webpage or record, has been created as a result of the request.

c) 204 No Content: Although the request was successful, the body of the response contained no data.

d) 400 Bad Request: Due to a syntax error or other client-side problems, the server was unable to comprehend or process the client’s request.

e) 401 Unauthorized: To access the specified resource, the client must supply legitimate authentication information.

f) 403 Forbidden: The request has been understood by the server, but it cannot be fulfilled for a variety of reasons, including insufficient permissions.

g) 404 Not Found: The server did not have the requested resource.

h) 500 Internal Server Error: An all-purpose error message stating that something went wrong on the server while handling the request.

i) 502 Bad Gateway: The upstream server the server accessed to fulfill the request provided an incorrect response while serving as a gateway or proxy.

j) 503 Service Unavailable: Due to maintenance or overload, the server is momentarily unable to process the request.

10. What is traceroute? Why is it used?

A network diagnostic tool called a traceroute is used to track the path that data packets follow as they go from a source device to a server or destination device. It estimates the round-trip time (latency) to each node and assists in identifying the intermediary network nodes (routers) via which the packets pass.

In order to improve network performance and address connectivity difficulties, Traceroute is used to identify

a) Network Bottlenecks,

b) Pinpoint Bottlenecks, and

c) Fix Routing Issues.


After getting the answer to the mentioned questions you might be thinking about learning more about cyber security and becoming a professional as well. Then you must go for “Knowledge Hunt.” One of the best places is Bytecode Security which is one of the reputed institutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

About the Top 10 Important Questions for Cyber Security Engineer

  1. What are the responsibilities of cyber security engineers?

However, some of the responsibilities that the expert must handle are listed below.

  • Risk Assessment,
  • Security Implementation,
  • Security Monitoring,
  • Incident Response,
  • Security Policy Development,
  • Vulnerability Management,
  • Security Awareness,
  • Threat Intelligence,
  • Security Auditing and Compliance,
  • Network Security,
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM),
  • Penetration Testing,
  • Security Architecture,
  • Security Documentation,
  • Security Training,
  • Security Research,
  • Collaboration, and
  • Security Testing.

2. What does a cyber security engineer do daily?

Although a cyber security engineer’s daily duties can vary, the following five tasks are frequently carried out by them:

a) Security Monitoring: Constant attention is needed to spot potential threats, hence it is necessary to continuously examine network and system logs for any indications of security incidents or anomalies.

b) Vulnerability Assessment: Through scans and analysis, locate possible vulnerabilities in systems, applications, and networks and rank them for remedy.

c) Incident Response: Investigate security issues quickly, take appropriate action to mitigate harm, and implement countermeasures while determining the scope of the intrusion.

d) Security Updates: Be careful to frequently apply security patches and upgrades to systems and software to fix known vulnerabilities.

e) Security Awareness: Promote a culture of cybersecurity awareness within the company by educating users and staff about recommended practices for security.

3. What is cybersecurity’s role and responsibility?

In an organization, cybersecurity has five main responsibilities that can be summed up as follows:

  1. Protecting Digital Assets,
  2. Risk Management,
  3. Compliance and Regulations,
  4. Incident Response, and
  5. Security Awareness and Training.

4. Does a cyber security engineer do coding?

Yes, depending on their individual job and responsibilities, Cyber Security Engineers may code to a variety of degrees. Although it may not be their primary responsibility, they may create tools or write programs to

  1. Automate Security Tasks,
  2. Analyze Malware, or
  3. Assess Vulnerabilities.

Additionally, assessing and strengthening the security of software applications and systems benefits from knowledge of coding and secure coding techniques.

5. Which role is best in cyber security?

Here are a few well-liked positions to think about

a) Cybersecurity Analyst,

b) Security Engineer,

c) Penetration Tester (Ethical Hacker),

d) Security Consultant,

e) Security Architect,

f) Incident Responder, and

g) Security Manager/ Director.

6. Is cyber security engineering a stressful job?

Yes, due to the ongoing need to watch for attacks, respond to incidents, and keep ahead of developing cybersecurity concerns, the field of cybersecurity engineering can be demanding. The variables that influence stress levels include

a) The Organization,

b) The Specific Role, and

c) The Current Threat Landscape.

However, stress may be controlled with good time management, teamwork, and preparation.

7. Is cyber security good for a career?

Yes, a job in cybersecurity may be rewarding given the increasing need for expertise, competitive pay, and chances to have a big impact on thwarting cyberattacks on digital assets and data.

However, because the sector is always changing, it necessitates ongoing learning and flexibility.

8. Is cyber engineering a good career?

Yes, those who are interested in creating and implementing secure systems and technologies may find success in the field of cyber engineering.

With a focus on cybersecurity, which is essential in today’s digital world, it provides the opportunity to work in a vibrant and expanding industry.

9. Is cybersecurity a 24/7 job?

Yes, cybersecurity frequently entails round-the-clock surveillance and response to incidents, particularly for vital infrastructure and businesses that have to be continually on the lookout for online threats.

In order to detect and quickly respond to security problems, many cybersecurity roles include round-the-clock monitoring or on-call responsibilities.

10. Which software is used for cyber security?

To secure networks and systems, cybersecurity experts employ a range of software tools and apps. The following 10 software categories are frequently used in cybersecurity:

  • Antivirus Software,
  • Firewalls,
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS),
  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS),
  • Vulnerability Scanners,
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Software,
  • Password Managers,
  • Encryption Tools,
  • Penetration Testing Tools, and
  • Network Monitoring and Packet Capture Tools.

11. What are the 5 great functions of cybersecurity?

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework, there are five main functions of cybersecurity:

a) Identify,

b) Protect,

c) Detect,

d) Respond, and

e) Recover

12. Who is responsible for cyber security?

Various stakeholders in an organization share responsibility for cybersecurity, and it frequently requires teamwork. Important parties in charge of cybersecurity include

a) Senior Leadership,

b) Chief Information Security Officer (CISO),

c) IT and Security Teams,

d) Employees,

e) Vendors and Partners,

f) Regulatory Bodies, and

g) Customers and Users.

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